Testing and Inspections
Materials Testing and Special Inspections eliminate unforeseen issues during construction; resolving errors before they occur. Employing these services has the potential to save subsequent costs throughout construction and ultimately the life of a building or structure.
- Materials Testing: We provide direct testing of materials and structural components of construction that are used on the building site.
- Special Inspections: We provide observations made on site to ensure that construction processes are performed to required standards and materials are installed correctly.
Laboratory Services
Falcon operates an in-house, state-of-the-art, AASHTO-accredited laboratory; providing physical testing of soil, concrete, aggregate, asphalt and building materials. The lab is routinely audited in these fields through AASHTO’s re:source program (formerly AMRL). The Laboratory is also certified with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). In addition to the in-house laboratory, Falcon can provide mobile, on-site laboratory services anywhere in the state or region.