Project Details

Project Description

Falcon was selected to provide Geotechnical, Materials Testing, and Special Inspections for the design and construction of the new Integrated Sciences Building (ISB). The ISB will be situated on the old footprint of Harrelson Hall located in the Brickyard on NCSU’s north campus. The Brickyard is a large open area positioned between the library, several green areas, and many buildings with labs and/or lecture hall.

The Integrative Sciences Initiative (ISI) will transform teaching, research and discovery in chemistry and other STEM fields at NC State by employing the latest technology, solving major societal challenges and training a new generation of interdisciplinary scientists ready for every future opportunity.

The new $180 million Integrative Sciences Building (ISB) — the heart of the initiative — will provide vital space for STEM teaching and research space at NC State and serve as a catalyst for transforming the sciences.